Coffee Diplomacy
late 1980s
My office in London was in the office of a friend who owned a coffee
trading company. Every day I could wander into the tasting room where
they were brewing up batchs of Kenya AA or equally high quality coffee for
tasting and testing. As a coffee drinker it was like being in heaven.
One weekend I decided to fly to Zagreb to visit an American couple who had
just moved there and started a business shipping Yugoslav products to the
US. On Friday before I left I mentioned the trip and one of the traders
ground up a half kilo of their latest coffee sample. I threw it into
my suitcase and soon forgot about it.
Dan met me at the Zagreb airport and we headed home. Joyce had prepared
dinner for us. Dan was a conservative straight shooter type of guy and Joyce
was a competent, quiet and very reserved midwesterner. After dinner
and a nice chat to get caught up I was shown where i'd be sleeping and started
to unpack my suitcase. The smell of fresh roasted, fresh ground coffee
drifted out from under some clothes.
I casually stolled into the kitchen and dropped the bag of coffee on the
table. This quiet, reserved woman Joyce lept out of her chair, threw
her arms around me and virtually danced around the kitchen. Oh my gosh, what
have I done, I thought to myself. Dan said "you don't understand".
He walked to a kitchen cabinet and pulled out a tiny bag. On it was
printed 'coffee 200 grams'. He said "if we can get coffee, when we
can get coffee, we can only buy one bag like this and it's not very good".
"You have made us rich"
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