Chicago drivers joke that there are only two seasons: winter and construction. Bogotà has a moderate climate so road construction is perpetual. It is just as much "under construction" as when I first arrived two years ago. Add to that the rainstorms and the hills they must carve roads out of (including repairing highways wiped out by landslides) and you understand the meaning of gridlock. Public transportation is via the TransMilenio which is a bus service running in special lanes, but which is also still "under construction". And the physical area of some 120 square miles to support the eight million inhabitants is significant especially when you are traveling or commuting. The other mode for non drivers are the informal minibuses which create their own routes and schedules and provide a much needed service.
I got in trouble after my story on Underwater Rugby . Celina was fine with it but Carola wanted to know why I had not written about her. I keep finding these people with other lives outside of work who do interesting things. Carola's day job is about econometrics but her other life is about dancing including belly dancing, jazz dancing and now ballet. Presentacion Arabe - Hip Hop {Carola = back row middle} shows there is more to Colombia than coffee.
Bogotà is an easy trip for me, only 2 flights and less than 14 hours door to door and it is even in the same time zone. Compared to the Botswana flights to southern Africa it "feels" easy, but that is the result of so much travel. Our experiences alter our perspectives on what is normal, easy, reasonable, etc. My colleague Ian is on his way here from Wellington New Zealand (half way around the globe) and 40-50 hour trips have become normal for him.
In three trips I have been in four different hotels. The first time you stay where they send you. But once here I have found that it pays to look around then meet the hotel marketing staff and negotiate. My rate this time even included a free massage. It is also 2 blocks from Alex's apartment so we can taxi to the office together and well as coordinate dinners. Besides I think I tried every restaurant near the last hotel so new territory is preferred. Now I wish I had paid attention in high school Spanish class.